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    Watch the welcome video

    Please watch the trailer here (Video: 2 minutes 2 seconds) and the film here (Video: 26 minutes 49 seconds)

    1. Watch the film

    2. Does it raise any ethical questions for you?

    3. Navigate the site to see what ethical questions came up for makers and audiences

    4. How do the key themes influence your own practice?

    Consent, Collaboration, Freedom, Representation and Responsibility.

    Marina Cantacuzino, journalist and Founder of The Forgiveness Project

    Professor of Documentary Practices, Dr Pratap Rughani, Associate Dean of Research, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, Director of Lotus Films, and Project Leader, introduction.

    Video: 33 seconds. Transcript

    Video: 44 seconds. Transcript

    Illustration of a triangle: ethics embodied in practice; values & principles that inform the work; legal and professional codes of conduct

    What codes of practice guide your area of creative work? Key legislation includes the Equality Act, defamation and libel laws.

    Think about how your own practice (as maker, teacher, student, researcher) relates to the other points of the triangle.

    What values do you want people to sense in your work? Inclusion? Free expression? Anti-racism? Diversity? Respect for participants? Integrity and rigour?